Dr. Patel offers some of the most natural-looking and longest-lasting dentures in Monroe, and the gold denture is just one example. Considered to be the best available at The Denture Center, you can restore your smile to the fullest, maintain a reliable fit for many years to come, and take back confidence in your day-to-day habits. When you want a denture that is truly durable and looks incredibly lifelike, it’s hard to recommend anything other than our gold denture. Call us today to learn more!
There’s nothing more frustrating than a denture that never seems to want to cooperate. Made using a special heat-injection method, our gold dentures are designed to fit inside of the mouth as if they had always been there. During this process, the denture material is injected into a custom mold under high pressure. The result is a denture that more closely resembles the impressions used to create your final prosthetic!
Soon enough, you’ll be smiling and chewing many of your favorite foods as if your teeth never came out in the first place. Essentially, our gold dentures make it possible to turn back time when it comes to your tooth loss.
Replacing your teeth and rebuilding your smile doesn’t have to come at the cost of comfort or longevity. The gold denture ensures that you can wear your denture throughout the day without having to worry about a sore mouth along the way. The high-quality materials we utilize also keep the denture strong over a long period of time, all while staying natural-looking for many years to come.
At this time, our gold denture package is exclusively for full upper or lower dentures. For just over $2,000, you can receive a full upper and lower denture, effectively replacing all your teeth from top to bottom! Of course, those in need of a single arch can pay about half the cost. If you’re having dental extractions, you can take advantage of our denture bundle and save on necessary treatments! This includes:
Dr. Patel also performs necessary extractions, both to ensure the health of patients and make sure that their new dentures fit as intended. He looks forward to providing ongoing maintenance for your denture and oral health, so don’t wait to contact him today to get started on your smile transformation!
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