At The Denture Center, lost or damaged dentures are one of the most common problems we work to solve for our patients. Whether they were lost while traveling, dropped during regular cleaning, or chewed by a pet, Dr. Jeetendra Patel and his team are here to help. It doesn’t matter how small or large your damage is to your denture, any amount has the potential to cause issues with your oral health. Don’t hesitate to call our office today and get same-day service at our in-house dental lab!
If you lose your denture for any reason, you should never hesitate to give our office a call. However, sometimes it’s not always so obvious if a denture is broken and in need of repair. If you notice any cracks in your denture’s base/teeth or experience any of the following symptoms, please get in touch with us right away!
When a denture fits properly, they work the most effectively as well as make your smile look as attractive and natural-looking as possible. Additionally, dentures that are damaged can increase the risk of an infection in the gums or mouth. If you have any remaining teeth, a broken denture can also accelerate their deterioration.
Furthermore, when you don’t have a reliable denture, it can make even the most basic tasks like chewing your favorite foods and speaking with your loved ones far more difficult. Maintaining a healthy diet can become impossible if you’re forced to dramatically limit the foods you can consume. For these reasons and more, it’s imperative that you have your broken denture replaced quickly.
Not only is Dr. Patel happy to offer many different types of dentures that fit your specific needs, but he’s prepared to see you as soon as possible. In most cases, he can get you seen the same day that you discover your denture is broken or lost. Whether you need a reline to repair your denture, a soft liner to make your hard denture more comfortable, or a brand-new denture that makes chewing and speaking easier, he can’t wait to serve you. Once you arrive, he’ll take note of the symptoms you’re experiencing and create a treatment plan based on your situation.