When Dr. Patel opened The Denture Center, he had two main goals in mind. First, he wanted to provide his patients dentures that were specially made for each person, and second, he wanted to make sure finances never got in the way of someone receiving the care they need. That’s why he’s happy to offer multiple denture options in Monroe, LA that can be perfectly suited to every smile and every budget, and you can learn more by reading on below and giving us a call to schedule a consultation.
If you want to not just replace your missing teeth, but basically feel like you’ve gotten your real teeth back, then we can’t recommend our Gold denture enough. When it comes to a comfortable fit, natural appearance, and overall strength, nothing tops them. They are made using a special heat-injection method so they are incredibly durable and also fit within the mouth like they’ve always been there. With one, we can virtually turn back the clock on tooth loss.
Our Silver denture is specifically designed for each and every patient to have the ideal look and feel. They offer premier stain-resistance and include extremely strong teeth, so whether a patient is taking a bite of food or greeting a friend, they can feel completely confident. While not as lifelike as our Gold dentures, they still offer a quality that is head and shoulders above your typical prosthetic.
Learn More about Silver Denture
Our most inexpensive denture by far, our Bronze denture is perfect for patients who don’t necessarily have a lot to spend on a replacement. Despite their lower price point, they are still made of high-quality materials and offer a realistic appearance our patients can trust. In many cases, they can also be provided quickly, helping someone recover their smile and oral function in record time without breaking the bank in the process.
Learn More about Bronze Dentures
Cast Metal Partial dentures can be designed to seamlessly fill the gaps between remaining teeth while also comfortably fitting within the smile like a puzzle piece. The prosthetic is held in place using small metal clasps that loop around nearby teeth, and these attach to an underlying metal framework hidden below the replacement teeth and gum tissue. This gives the denture incredible strength and stability, allowing a patient to eat, speak, and smile like they used to before tooth loss.
If you need a partial denture and want the most comfortable fit possible, then a flexible partial denture is exactly what you’re looking for. These are designed to gently bend and twist in conjunction with the natural motions of the mouth during chewing and speaking, which reduces pressure on the nearby gums and teeth. This causes less irritation within the mouth and allows a patient to quickly forget they are wearing the denture!
Offering the most lifelike appearance possible, acrylic partial dentures are made using a high-quality, plastic-based material. The strength of the acrylic allows this type of denture to be much thinner compared to others, meaning it takes up less room in the mouth and has a more comfortable fit. This also means patients tend to have a better sense of taste compared to other prosthetics. And, because there are no metal attachments, they blend easily with the neighboring teeth to create a very realistic appearance.
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