Traveling with dentures is not difficult if you do some simple things to prepare yourself ahead of time.
1.Bring along a sturdy denture case in which to store and soak your dentures. Keeping up your regular denture cleaning routine is important and takes diligence on the road. Many denture travel containers offer a strainer basket that makes for easy, quick draining after soaking.
2. If flying and planning to carry on your denture supplies such as denture adhesive, make sure that the size does not exceed TSA’s requirements for carry-ons. Check out the specific guidelines on TSA’s site. And while on the subject of flying, do not stress about clearing airport security with dentures. They generally will not set off the metal detectors. TSA understands that a number of people wear dentures and denture appliances, have dental implants, and/or fillings.
3. If traveling outside of the country, use bottled water for denture soaking.
4. Stick to denture-friendly eating habits while on the road. Don’t risk harming your dentures with sticky candy, popcorn, or other foods that place stress on dentures. Pack ahead some snacks to bring with you.
5. If you are currently experiencing problems with your dentures such as irritation or loose fit, see your dentist to get issues fixed before you travel.
6. Even with the best planning unexpected events do occur when away from home. Research contacts for a couple of denture specialists in the area(s) that you will be traveling to just in case the unforeseen happens. Your local dentist can offer suggestions about what type of qualifications to look for with those dentists.
With just a bit of planning, you will be able to easily travel hassle-free by land, air, or sea.
Check out more articles on The Denture Center’s blog for expert tips from Dr. Jeetendra Patel.